VOL. 19 NO. 20 -- SEPTEMBER 30, 2024

Our Stories and Features


Reflections/Jonathan Gramling

Jonathan Gramling

Trump’s White Male Privilege

I shouldn’t be, but I am continuously amazed by the stuff that Donald Trump gets away with. He has Wealthy White Man Privilege Immunity. I say that because Trump gets away with stuff that I wouldn’t even try. Is it any wonder that the people who have served Trump have landed in jail, gone bankrupt and gotten disbarred while Trump continues to walk around free?

Is it any wonder that Trump raised hundreds of millions for his reelection campaign and then turned around and spent a good chunk of it on his legal expenses? I am the treasurer for several candidates of color in Dane County. When I see what Trump has done with his campaign funds, I can only scratch my head. Why is Trump still walking around free when there are elected officials — Democrat and Republican — who are doing time in a federal prison for using their campaign funds for personal expenses. Don’t tell me Trump’s legal problems are campaign related. He’s misusing campaign funds for his own personal use. But where’s the jail time. Oh, he has Wealthy White Male Privilege Immunity.

How can Donald Trump commit and be ajudicated as someone who sexually assaulted someone and still be walking around free. I guess he has enough campaign funds to appeal and appeal and appeal court rulings against him until everyone forgets what they were about in the first place. How can someone who was caught on tape talking about how he can snatch women and get away with it? And he still has very strong Evangelical Christian support with some proclaiming him to be the Second Coming? Oh, I forgot. Trump has Wealthy White Male Privilege Immunity.