VOL. 16  NO. 10 -- MAY 17, 2021

REFLECTIONS/Jonathan Gramling

Jonathan Gramling

End of Republican Party?

For those of us who follow politics, we could see this wave crashing over the Republican Party for a long time now. It really began with the election of President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pledging to stop every piece of legislation that Obama put forward, even the economic recovery/stimulus bill that was needed to stop a the economic free-fall that America — and the world — was experiencing at the time.

There was no loyal opposition, no allowing the president to put in place the people he wanted for his administrative team unless they were guilty of some high crime or misdemeanor. The nominations of Obama’s judicial picks were blocked because they didn’t meet a political litmus test and not because they weren’t good and competent jurists. I remember when former Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Louis Butler, a fine and sound jurist, was blocked by the McConnell forces. -- READ MORE