VOL. 19 NO. 22 -- OCTOBER 28, 2024

Our Stories and Features


Reflections/Jonathan Gramling

Jonathan Gramling

Last Minute Election Musings

It’s the moment that I have been waiting for, the end of the 2024 presidential election campaign on November 5th or November 6th or maybe even November 10th. Somebody is going to be challenging the result of some campaign, whether it presidential or assembly, and expect the whole world to come to a standstill while they have their way, throwing tantrums like little children all the way from the local courthouse to the U.S. Supreme Court.

There is a part of me that says I shouldn’t feel this way, that free and fair elections are the backbone of democracy. And I certainly believe in that, but it sure doesn’t feel like that. It’s hardly free. I just got my latest text asking me to contribute to someone’s campaign because the sky is falling. I got my last email telling me I positively have to donate $200 immediately or I will be responsible for all of the hell and damnation that occurs on Election Day. The state of the election and the results rest on my shoulders.