Poetic Tongues/Fabu

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Poetic Tongues

August News

Are you thinking my same thought of “How did summer pass so swiftly and now we are in August?”  We only have one remaining month of summer, although Autumn, which begins officially in September, will soon arrive. Let our intention be absolutely to enjoy all that the end month of summer, August, has to offer in Wisconsin. Perhaps you have already attended some or all of the fun festivals that take place in Madison and all over the state. Festivals too numerous to mention, from the huge Summerfest to Indian Summer Festival, Irish, German, Greek, Polish, other Ethnic fests, and let us not forget, Juneteenth. August 3rd in Milwaukee celebrated the Caribbean & Latin American Festival and Parade and on the same date, the unusual National Mustard Day in Middleton. One of my favorites is Africa Fest on August 17, 10 am to 10 pm at McPike Park,  This park named after the famous educator, Milton McPike, is a wonderful space to celebrate the culture of Africa and the Diaspora. We have lots to celebrate.

August is also an important month for politics because Dane County has a referendum, a primary for Dane County Executive and the statue of legendary Wisconsin leader Vel Phillips was unveiled at the Capitol. Vel Phillips attained many "firsts" as part of her legacy, including the first African American judge in Wisconsin and the first woman, and African American, in the nation elected to executive office in state government. A new sculpture was recently unveiled on the Wisconsin State Capitol grounds honoring this trailblazer for human rights for people of color in Wisconsin and she was also the state’s first Black Secretary of State. I was not part of the crowd that gathered to honor her, yet I look forward to viewing her statue and thinking about her accomplishments on behalf of the African American community and all of Wisconsin. Her statue is a wonderful symbol of political careers by people of integrity.

In the August 13 primary election, voters decide if they should take away the governor’s authority and power to spend any federal money for the state, often in response to disasters or emergencies, which comes without specific requirements. Wisconsin voters will face two constitutional amendments in the Aug. 13 primary election that would take away the governor's power to unilaterally spend any federal money for the state that comes without specific allocation requirements, often in response to disasters or other emergencies. These amendments passed the GOP controlled Legislature twice as required by law. Voter approval is needed before these two amendments can be added to the state constitution. The governor has no veto power over constitutional amendments. I hope voters vote a loud “No” to this constitutional change.

The primary date for selecting the new Dane County Executive is also on August 13. There are four candidates, three are women and one is a man. I usually cast a vote against the person I do not want elected or for the one who is the least dangerous. I learned as an adult voter that I cannot vote for someone because the person is African American, or a woman because their politics might be reactionary and attempt to undo hard-earned rights for citizens of color, women, and human beings in general. The intelligent reasons for voting a person into office are their skills, experience, integrity, and ability to care about meeting the needs of ALL people in Wisconsin, no matter their race, economics, age or where they live in Dane County. I am excited to cast my vote for Wes Sparkman, using the important right to vote that Vel Phillips and so many others fought for me to have. Let Wisconsin neighbors care about Wisconsin neighbors and elect Wesley Sparkman who will not just be good for some people, but for us all.

I remember Shirley Chisholm, who in 1972 became the first Black candidate for the U.S. President. I remember her earliest campaign slogan, “Unbought and unbossed.”  She meant that no one could buy her, not political machines, corrupt politicians, self-serving organizations, or rich supporters. No one would tell her what to do in the office, except the people she served. Sparkman has $15,000 in campaign contributions and these funds come from everyday people, all over Dane County, like me. We vote for integrity, skills, abilities, and the candidate with a proven record of service. I hope Sparkman does a “Baraka Obama” who won despite millions who said he would never win, and when Obama won, he was a president for all people. We need a Dane County Executive for all people.

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