VOL. 17 NO. 14-JULY 11, 2022
Justice is What We do
Our stories & features
Reflections/Jonathan Gramling
It Ain’t Over
As the late Yogi Berra, former New York Yankees’ catcher and profound expresser of the obvious, once said, ‘It ain’t over until it’s over.” While this is an obvious statement, it also reveals a more profound observation like the 2020 election is over and America moves on to another election in 2024. Donald Trump lost and Joe Biden won. The decision has been made and let’s move on.
But it ain’t over as the U.S. House of Representative’s January 6 Select Committee has pointed out. I’ve watched all of the hearings live, harking back to my college days when a group of us — strangers to each other — watched the Watergate hearings at the Brook Street YWCA. By the time the hearings ended, we were strangers no more. -- READ MORE