VOL. 19 NO. 2 -- JANUARY 22, 2024

Our Stories and Features


REFLECTIONS/Jonathan Gramling

Jonathan Gramling

A Memorable Weekend

Due to illness that leaves me imaginatioinless and a high workload outside of The Hues, I have decided to reprint my column from 10 years ago. Some things change while other things remain the same.
I’m getting kind of tired, bone tired right about now. It all started, of course, with the King Coalition’s Free Community Dinner on January 17th at UW- Madison’s new Gordon Commons, which hardly resembles the UW cafeterias I ate in as a UW student in the 1970s. And over the course of 2-3 hours, they served up 720 plates of food, which means that, when people who went for seconds with a clean plate are taken into account, approximately 600 people attended the kick-off to the King Holiday.