VOL. 18 NO. 1-JANUARY 9, 2023
Our Stories and Features
Community Voices Reflect on the 2023 Civil Rights Agenda: Pressing Issues for the Civil Rights Movement
Reflections/Jonathan Gramling
The Fight Continues
A lot of people with whom I have talked over the past couple of weeks have told me that 2022 was not so kind to them and they are glad to see it go. Too many dear people passed away. Others have experienced personal illness or have a loved one whose health has taken a turn for the worse.
There were a lot of good things that happened in 2022. Kalvin Barrett became Dane County’s first elected African American sheriff and Brenda Yang became the first Hmong American to be elected to the Dane County Board. Diversity and democracy do continue to flourish.
There was even some solace in the fact that Tony Evers was re-elected so that an all-Republican state government would not happen, which would have taken us back to feudal days. And the big red wave of Republicans getting elected to federal elected positions didn’t happen either with the Republicans only holding a four-seat majority in the House of Representatives. -- READ MORE